Best 50+ Quotes by Franz Kafka to Achieve Success in Life

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Quotes by Franz Kafka
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  • Post last modified:December 28, 2022

Quotes by Franz Kafka : Franz Kafka was the most influential writer of the 20th century. he loved writing in his spare time.

Franz Kafka trained himself as a lawyer, and after completing his legal studies, he took a job in an insurance company.

Franz Kafka’s name was associated with many women but he never married. He died on 3 June 1924 at the age of 40 due to tuberculosis.

Let us know about the Quotes by Franz Kafka in this post, which will inspire you to achieve success in life.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

Quotes by Franz Kafka

1.A book is like an axe to the frozen sea inside us.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

2.I’ve lived all my life resisting my desires.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

3.Laziness is the beginning of all problems, it is the crown of all demerits.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

4.There are infinite possibilities of life in the universe, but they are not for us.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

5.The first sign of the beginning of understanding is death.

Best Franz Kafka Quotes

Quotes by Franz Kafka

6.I’m in chains, don’t touch my chains.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

7.I’m tired, can’t think of anything and just want to put my face in my lap, feel my hand on my head and stay like this for eternity.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

8.It is only because of their own stupidity that they are so sure of themselves.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

9.Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

10.I feel true to myself only when I am helpless and sad.

Franz Kafka Quotes about Love

11.I think we should read only those books which injure us and kill us.

12.There is an infinite amount of hope in the universe…but not for us.

13.All languages ​​exist with their own bad translations.

14.The meaning of life is to stop.

15.Don’t waste your time looking for an obstacle – there probably isn’t one.

Famous Franz Kafka Quotes

16.There are two cardinal sins from which all others arise: impatience and laziness.

17.I’m free and that’s why I lost.

18.Many books are like the key to an important room in one’s own palace.

19.Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty, one who has the ability to see beauty never grows old.

20.Fell asleep, woke up, slept, woke up, a sad life.

Quotes of Franz Kafka

21.Always take a fresh breath, first, after an outbreak of pride and complacency.

22.I can love only that which I can hold so high above myself that I cannot reach it.

23.I have spent my whole life resisting my desires.

24.I usually solve problems and eat them.

25.Books are a drug.

Quotes by Franz Kafka

26.Association with human beings prompts one to introspect.

27.He is very afraid of dying, because he has not lived yet.

28.A book is like an axe to the frozen sea inside us.

29.Kalidas – Whose thoughts have always been important, Every Indian must read the thoughts of Mahakavi Kalidas once.

30.I am a cage, and I am looking for a bird.

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Quotes by Kafka

31.I cannot explain to you, I cannot explain to anyone what is happening inside me, I cannot even explain it to myself.

32.A non-writing writer is a monster who is madly in love.

33.By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it, the non-existent is that which we have not desired sufficiently.

34.I feel true about myself only when I am unbearably sad.

35.I think we should only read the kind of books that hurt and stab us.

Famous Quotes by Kafka

36.Writing is very lonely, a descent into the cold abyss of the self.

37.He is very afraid of dying because he has not lived yet.

38.I usually solve problems by letting them consume me.

39.Now I can see you in peace; I don’t eat you anymore.

40.Love is that you are the knife that I plunge into myself.

Famous Quotes by Franz Kafka

41.I do not speak as I think, I do not speak as I ought to think, and so it all goes on in helpless darkness.

42.It is better to have and not have a need than to have and not have a need.

43.You are both the peace and confusion of my heart at the same time.

44.People label themselves with all kinds of adjectives, I can only pronounce myself as ‘pitiable beyond repair’.

45.There is no return beyond a certain point, the point has to be reached.

Quotes from Franz Kafka

46.We take pictures to get things off our mind, My stories are a way of closing my eyes.

47.Just imagine how many thoughts a blanket suffocates and warms sad dreams, lying alone in bed.

48.All I am is literature, and I am not able or willing to be anything else.

49.Sleep is the most innocent creature and a sleepless man is the most guilty.

50.Logic may be infallible, but it cannot confront a man who is determined to live.

Quotes from Kafka on the Shore

51.I hardly have anything normal and must stand very quietly in a corner, satisfied that I can breathe.

52.To believe in progress does not mean to believe that there has been any progress so far.

53.You can choose to be free, but it will be your final decision.

54.Even if no salvation comes, I want to be worthy of it every moment.

55.Correct understanding of a matter and misunderstanding of the same matter do not completely exclude each other.

Franz Kafka Quotes about Life

56.I don’t read ads, I’ll spend all my time wanting things.

57.Every revolution evaporates, leaving behind only the scum of a new bureaucracy.

58.What you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end love will come back in a different way.

59.I can’t feel anything; All the mournful petal storms are dancing inside the very private spring of my head.

60.You shouldn’t pay too much attention to opinions. The written word is immutable, and opinion is often just an expression of frustration.


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