Top 50+ Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius that Will Change Your life

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Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius
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  • Post last modified:April 19, 2023

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius : Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor and philosopher who ruled from AD 161 to 180. He is considered one of the five most famous emperors of Rome.

He has told people’s through his thoughts that only you have authority over your mind and that gives you strength.

In this article, you will know the Inspirational Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius that will inspire you to move forward in life.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

1.Don’t be wise in words, but be wise in deeds.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

2.You should not be afraid of death, but be afraid of never starting to live.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

3.Don’t think that you have a thousand years to live.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

4.Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fit by nature to bear.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

5.He who does not transmit light, creates his own darkness.

Powerful Marcus Aurelius Quotes

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

6.Soon you will forget the world, and soon the world will forget you.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

7.Everything we hear is opinion, not fact, just as everything we see is perspective, not truth.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

8.One who values ​​peace of mind and health of soul will live the best life possible.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

9.Be content to reveal who you really are.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

10.Don’t waste any more time arguing about what a good man should be, but be a good man.

Greatest Marcus Aurelius Quotes

11.Your behavior will depend a lot on what you often think about, because the soul is as it was colored by the color and form of thought.

12.The value of a man is not greater than the value of his ambitions.

13.You have power over your mind, not external events, so understand this so that you can have power.

14.When you wake up in the morning, think how fortunate you are to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.

15.Do every work of your life as if it is your last work.

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16.Life is neither good nor bad, but only a place for good and evil.

17.No one is ever wounded by the truth, but one who persists in self-deception and ignorance is wounded.

18.The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

19.He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.

20.Our life is what our thoughts make it.

Most Famous Marcus Aurelius Quotes

21.Limit yourself to the present.

22.Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself.

23.The memory of everything very quickly becomes overwhelmed with time.

24.Leadership has a responsibility to act wisely with what is given, and not waste time fantasizing about a world of flawless people and perfect choices.

25.One who values ​​peace of mind and health of soul will live the best life possible.

Best Quotes of Marcus Aurelius

26.Meditate on the beauty of life, look at the stars and see yourself running with them, constantly thinking about the transformation of the elements into each other, because such thoughts wash away the dust of earthly life.

27.If you are bothered by something external, the pain is not caused by that thing, but by your assumption, and you have the power to cancel it at any time.

28.When you wake up in the morning, think how fortunate you are to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.

29.The art of living is like wrestling, for an artistic life requires one to be prepared to face and face sudden and unexpected attacks.

30.You should not give circumstances the power to provoke anger.

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31.You are made up of three parts – body, breath and mind, of which the first two are yours as they are only under your care. The third one is yours truly.

32.If someone can prove and show me that I think and act wrongly, I will gladly change it – for I seek the truth, which has never harmed anyone.

33.Kindness is invincible, but only if it is sincere, without hypocrisy or artificiality.

34.How easily we love ourselves above others, yet we give more importance to the opinion of others than our own opinion of ourselves.

35.Guys, don’t be shy to ask for help anytime you need it.

Famous Sayings of Marcus Aurelius

36.For a happy life, almost nothing material things are necessary for one who has understood existence.

37.Receive without pride, let go without attachment.

38.Injustice often lies in what you are not doing, not just what you are doing.

39.It is a mark of perfection of character, to spend each day as if it were your last, without insanity, laziness or any pretence.

40.You have control over your mind, not over external events. understand this, you will feel powerful.

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41.Loss is nothing but change and change is the delight of nature.

42.Don’t do what is not right, don’t say what is not true.

43.Obstacle to action prompts action, what stands in the way becomes the way.

44.Don’t indulge in dreaming of what you don’t have, but be content with what you have and think how you would yearn for them if you didn’t have them.

45.Human beings exist for each other, so either teach them, or learn to tolerate them.

Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius

46.Accept those things with which fate binds you and love those with whom fate brings you together, but do it with all your heart.

47.Whatever happens, that is how it should be, and if you look carefully, you will feel it.

48.He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the whole universe.

49.Never judge a person on the basis of his appearance but by his ability to face difficulties.

50.The only money you will keep forever is the money you have donated.

51.Stop telling how a good person should be, be the change in yourself.


Friends, in this post we have share with you Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius. We hope you like these Best Quotes from Marcus Aurelius.

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